If someone steals your sandals
while you’re at the public baths,
you steal someone else’s.
If you’re upset about your brother’s death
why not kill a complete stranger?
Osamu TezukaMW1976-1978(translated by Camellia Nieh)
Pulp poems, book reviews, and other tidbits from the noirboiled world
Frank Norris, McTeague (1899)
Martin M. Goldsmith, Detour (1939)
William Lindsay Gresham, Nightmare Alley (1946)
Bill S. Ballinger, Portrait in Smoke (1950)
Gil Brewer, A Killer Is Loose (1954)
Jim Thompson, A Hell of a Woman (1954)
Charles Williams, A Touch of Death (1954)
James McKimmey, The Long Ride (1961)
Richard Stark, The Score (1964)
Natsuo Kirino, Out (1997)