I shot ahead,
watching the mirror.
There were cars behind us,
but there was no way to tell.
There are always cars behind you.
Charles Williams
Scorpion Reef1955
Pulp poems, book reviews, and other tidbits from the noirboiled world
Daniel WoodrellTomato Red1998
Top 3
1. Charles Williams, A Touch of Death (HCC #17)
2. Ken Bruen and Jason Starr, Bust (HCC #20)
3. Lawrence Block, Grifter’s Game (HCC #1)
48. Madison Smartt Bell, Straight Cut (HCC #21)
49. Max Allan Collins, Deadly Beloved (HCC #38)
50. Stephen King, The Colorado Kid (HCC #13)
The Best Cover Award
Gregory Manchess for John Lange’s Grave Descend (HCC #26)
The Worst Cover Award
Robert McGinnis for John Farris’ Baby Moll (HCC #46)
The It-May-Be-Terrible-or-It-May-Be-a-Masterpiece Award
Russell Hill, Robbie’s Wife (HCC #29)
The Once-Too-Often-to-the-Well Awards
Lawrence Block, A Diet of Treacle (HCC #39)
Donald E. Westlake, Somebody Owes Me Money (HCC #44)
David J. Schow, Gun Work (HCC #49)
Richard Aleas, Little Girl Lost (HCC #4)
The Charles Ardai Award for Noble Publishing Projects
Charles Ardai